יום ראשון, 1 במאי 2011

beautiful quotes on life with pictures

beautiful quotes on life with pictures

beautiful quotes on life with pictures beautiful quotes on life with pictures beautiful quotes on life with pictures

beautiful quotes on life with pictures beautiful quotes on life with pictures beautiful quotes on life with pictures

Not the power to remember, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence. ~Sholem Asch, The Nazarene, 1939

Homecoming means parades, football and reuniting with old friends. And as I recall from my youth, a little beer. ~J. Wilson

The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated. ~Plato

Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. ~Author Unknown

Dress is at all times a frivolous distinction, and excessive solicitude about it often destroys its own aim. ~Jane Austen

I owe my solitude to other people. ~Alan Watts

You don't like your job, you don't strike. You go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way. ~The Simpsons by Matt Groening, spoken by the character Homer Simpson

The Internet is a shallow and unreliable electronic repository of dirty pictures, inaccurate rumors, bad spelling and worse grammar, inhabited largely by people with no demonstrable social skills. ~Author Unknown

Buy what thou hast no Need of and ere long thou shalt sell thy Necessaries. ~Benjamin Franklin

Summer has set in with its usual severity. ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Baseball is the only major sport that appears backwards in a mirror. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997

The reason they're called the opposite sex is because every time you think you have your wife fooled - it's just the opposite! ~Walter Winchell

Your schooling may be over, but remember that your education still continues. ~Author Unknown

Except during the nine months before he draws his first breath, no man manages his affairs as well as a tree does. ~George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionists, 1903

Truth only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas. ~Shoseki

Whenever there is a conflict between human rights and property rights, human rights must prevail. ~Abraham Lincoln

Fish and visitors smell in three days. ~Benjamin Franklin

A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance. ~Saul Bellow

If you ride like there's no tomorrow, there won't be. ~Author Unknown

Cats are notoriously sore losers. Coming in second best, especially to someone as poorly coordinated as a human being, grates their sensibility. ~Stephen Baker

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