encouraging quotes for hard times
It's okay to figure out murder mysteries, but you shouldn't need to figure out code. You should be able to read it. ~Steve McConnell
An ordinary man can... surround himself with two thousand books... and thenceforward have at least one place in the world in which it is possible to be happy. ~Augustine Birrell
A hug is worth a thousand words. ~Author Unknown
There are couples a matchmaker would match every time - and couples who, for no rhyme or reason, rhyme. ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
Life is one long process of getting tired. ~Samuel Butler, Notebooks
The best time to frame an answer to the letters of a friend, is the moment you receive them. Then the warmth of friendship, and the intelligence received, most forcibly cooperate. ~William Shenstone
The past is a guidepost, not a hitching post. ~L. Thomas Holdcroft
For the spirit of Christmas fulfils the greatest hunger of mankind. ~Loring A. Schuler
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. ~Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891
We live and die; Christ died and lived! ~John Stott
Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother. ~Astrid Alauda
The inability to make a decision has often been passed off as patience. ~Author Unknown
Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometers. ~George Carlin
Memory is what tells a man that his wife's birthday was yesterday. ~Mario Rocco
I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker. ~Voltaire
When I play with my cat, who knows if I am not a pastime to her more than she is to me? ~Michel de Montaigne, Essays, 1580
Cancer is a word, not a sentence. ~John Diamond
If you haven't seen your wife smile at a traffic cop, you haven't seen her smile her prettiest. ~Kin Hubbard
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