יום רביעי, 27 באפריל 2011

funny friends forever poems

funny friends forever poems

funny friends forever poems funny friends forever poems funny friends forever poems

funny friends forever poems funny friends forever poems funny friends forever poems

Some men storm imaginary Alps all their lives, and die in the foothills cursing difficulties which do not exist. ~Edgar Watson Howe

In the last analysis we must be judged by what we do and not by what we believe. We are as we behave - with a very small margin of credit for our unmanifested vision of how we might behave if we could take the trouble. ~Geoffrey L. Rudd, The British Vegetarian, September/October 1962

I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom. ~Author Unknown

A first-rate marriage is like a first-rate hotel: expensive, but worth it. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Baseball, to me, is still the national pastime because it is a summer game. I feel that almost all Americans are summer people, that summer is what they think of when they think of their childhood. I think it stirs up an incredible emotion within people. ~Steve Busby, in Washington Post, 8 July 1974

Beginnings are apt to be shadowy. ~Rachel Carson

Don't look for God in the sky; look within your own body. ~Osho

U.S. Internal Revenue Service: an agency modeled after the revenue raising concepts of the 19th century economist, Jesse James. ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. ~Malcolm S. Forbes

Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more. ~Edward H. Harriman

Beware the barrenness of a busy life. ~Socrates

My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. ~Thomas Paine

One does evil enough when one does nothing good. ~German Proverb

Few people have the imagination for reality. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sisterly love is, of all sentiments, the most abstract. Nature does not grant it any functions. ~Ugo Betti

Crimes were committed to punish crimes, and crimes were committed to prevent crimes. The world has been filled with prisons and dungeons, with chains and whips, with crosses and gibbets, with thumbscrews and racks, with hangmen and heads-men - and yet these frightful means and instrumentalities have committed far more crimes than they have prevented.... Ignorance, filth, and poverty are the missionaries of crime. As long as dishonorable success outranks honest effort - as long as society bows and cringes before the great thieves, there will be little ones enough to fill the jails. ~Robert Ingersoll, Crimes Against Criminals

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. ~George Moore

Don't get your knickers in a knot. Nothing is solved and it just makes you walk funny. ~Kathryn Carpenter

The houses of lawyers are roofed with the skins of litigants. ~Welsh Proverb

My heart filled with love, flowing over with joy, my own little drum that I like to march by! ~Gunda Fijnje-Nolan

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