יום שישי, 29 באפריל 2011

in love with him quotes

in love with him quotes

in love with him quotes in love with him quotes in love with him quotes

in love with him quotes in love with him quotes in love with him quotes

All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast. ~John Gunther

When scattered clouds are resting on the bosoms of hills, it seems as if one might climb into the heavenly region, earth being so intermixed with sky, and gradually transformed into it. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Country music is three chords and the truth. ~Harlan Howard

The poet is in the end probably more afraid of the dogmatist who wants to extract the message from the poem and throw the poem away than he is of the sentimentalist who says, "Oh, just let me enjoy the poem." ~Robert Penn Warren, "The Themes of Robert Frost," Hopwood Lecture, 1947

I feel something like a powerful oppression, like an immense fatigue after marching and marching across fever-laden jungles, or by the shores of deadly lakes... and I am flooded by discouragement, so that it seems I shall never be able to escape from myself again. ~"The Garden," Chapter 9

Avoid all needle drugs - the only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon. ~Abbie Hoffman

But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine. ~Thomas Jefferson

What's the matter with you guys? The sight of blonde hair knocks you three rungs down on the evolutionary ladder. ~From the television show Civil Wars

Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. ~Fight Club movie, screenplay by Jim Uhls, directed by David Fincher, novel by Chuck Palahniuk

Courage is nine-tenths context. What is courageous in one setting can be foolhardy in another and even cowardly in a third. ~Joseph Epstein

Investors have very short memories. ~Roman Abramovich

Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other. ~Rene Yasenek

A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer. ~Robert Frost

Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles. ~Alex Karras

Everything that I bear within me bound, is to be found somewhere else free. ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught. ~Oscar Wilde, "The Critic as Artist," 1890

Nobody forgets where he buried the hatchet. ~Frank McKinney "Kin" Hubbard, Abe Martin's Broadcast, 1930

Where there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see. ~Dorthea Lange

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. ~Author Unknown

Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they do on advertising and they wouldn't have to advertise it. ~Will Rogers

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